Locke Park Tower open again on Sunday 2nd February 2pm to 4pm

We are next opening Locke Park Tower on Sunday 2nd February from 2pm until 4pm*. Hopefully the weather will be kind and give us good views. And we need enough volunteers! If you would like to help, do get in touch.

You can walk to Locke Park Tower from the car park (S70 6NE) or the café. Follow the paths to the highest point in the park to get to the tower. [The What 3 Words location for the Car Park is remit.silent.hills and for the Café is roses.melon.saving]

Donations are appreciated to help improving the park especially by providing plants and bringing bands to the bandstands.

*We try to open the tower each first Sunday of the month. It depends on both the weather and whether we have enough volunteers. Check online using our Facebook page.

Opening the tower

Tower with rose beds taken in the first week of June, 2022

We open Locke Park Tower on the first Sunday of each month from 2pm until 4pm.* Hopefully the weather will be kind and afford good views.

Donations are appreciated to help improving the park; the much admired murals and fairy garden, near the bowling greens, were funded from your donations.

You can walk to Locke Park Tower from the car park (S70 6NE) or the café. [What 3 Words: Car Park –remit.silent.hills; Café –roses.melon.saving] Follow the paths to the highest point in the park to get to the tower.

*We do try to open the tower each first Sunday of the month. It depends on both the weather and if we have enough volunteers.
Check online using our Facebook page.

If you would like to become a volunteer and help open the tower, please get in touch.

Locke Park Tower open again on Sunday 2nd April

We’re opening Locke Park Tower on Sunday 2nd April from 2pm until probably 4pm, depending on the weather.

Come along, go up the tower and see the views.

Donations are appreciated to help improving the park: the much admired murals and fairy garden, near the bowling greens, were funded from your donations.